Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Here comes the judge...

Kameron and I are getting ready to travel to Austin early Friday morning for our next court hearing. It's been a stressful few weeks with Elli coming back ill after each 48 hour visit and having significant problems coping with all of the changes happening in her life.

Our family has to travel to Austin every week in the month of April. This week the status hearing... Mom's attorney has filed to have Elli returned to her at the hearing. Fortunately, everyone else seems to think it is too soon, so hopefully the judge will consider everyone's opinion on this and not just birth mom's (and the fact that trial is just 3 1/2 weeks away).

Next week we take our entire family down to Austin for part two of a bonding assessment with our expert witness. She is a psychologist who specializes in bonding and attachment with children who are adopted. She met with Kameron, Elli and I a couple of weeks ago and this time she will be assessing the whole family together.

The following week is mediation (Thursday, April 16th)...where we are hoping to set up an open adoption with some visits periodically. We're hopeful that birth mom would realize this situation would allow her to have an ongoing relationship with all three of her children. Please say your prayers and send good vibes our way. This will be a very important day!

If mediation is unsuccessful, our jury trial will begin on Monday, April 20th and can potentially last up to a week.

We have been so thankful for the family, friends, and co-workers who have donated to the "Save Elli Legal Fund". Our legal expenses with trial less than a month away are now exceeding $30,000 and we appreciate any and all who are able to help. There are not words to express our gratitude for those of you who have given what you can so far, sometimes amazing us with your generosity.

1 comment:

  1. I posted an update on the blog and will get one on twitter tomorrow. Lots of love for all of you and know we are thinking about each of you and sending big, burly angels to help you in this battle.
