Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our day in court is coming...

Our jury trial is set for Monday, April 20th!!! I hope this day brings an end to all of our worry and heartache. I hope this day marks the beginning of the rest of our lives as a forever family. All of us!

Elli had an overnight visit last night. So this week we will be watchfully waiting to see how her behavior changes this time. Apparently her caseworker did a surprise drop in visit this morning before picking her up. Elli was withdrawn, seemed confused, and was not talking at all. It breaks my heart to imagine what she must be thinking. So afraid, wondering where she is and if she will get to come back to mommy and daddy.

She is so scared...and I can't explain this to her. Even if I could, I don't quite understand it myself. I hope her caseworker is documenting all of this. Even better, I hope she takes action.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers~

Friday, February 6, 2009

We should get frequent flyer miles...

We are headed down to another hearing on April 3rd. While Elli is in the custody of CPS we have to meet with a judge every 3 months for a "permanancy hearing". Elli just had her second overnight visit this week. We don't know how it went, but she continues to exhibit unusual behaviors after returning. We are documenting everything as it happens, but our hands are basically tied. I can't possibly explain to you how much we worry about her while she is gone, or how much we miss her...

We just try to look forward to the image of her running down the long ramp in the airport laughing and shouting "DaDa, DaDa!" as she sprints towards Kameron to be reunited after these overnight visits. Honestly, its more like a waddle than a sprint, but you get the picture! When she gets home she seems so excited to see Breon and Destiney, and so surprised that her room is still there, just as she left it. :) It is quite a sight to see!

The tears, frustration, tantrums, and sleepless nights she experiences upon her return home are heartbreaking, and to know we have to put her through this every week is excruciating.

This is the hardest thing I've ever done...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Court Date coming soon...

After speaking with our attorney today, it seems that we are headed for a jury trial in late April or early May. Please continue to keep us in your hearts, prayers, and thoughts. CPS continues to feel that Elli should be reunited with her biological mother, although they admit that she will likely return to the "system" in the future. They have assurred me that Elli will return to our family if that happens.

That does not make me feel any better...

I've added a donate button at the bottom of our page. If you feel so inclined, please give what you can to help pay our legal expenses.

Please share our story with anyone you feel might be interested.